We know the secret to your success
First place an order with the relevant information regarding your academic research paper, conference paper, journals, report, essay, assignment, coursework, dissertation, thesis, personal statement, motivational statement, reference letter review and Curriculum Vitae (CV) needs for computer science, information technology, software engineering, business management, mathematics, physics, biology, microbiology, geology, geoscience, geography, statistics, chemical science, education, medical science, biomedical science, biochemistry, health & social care, economics, sociology, psychology, philosophy, mechanical engineering, acoustical engineering, mechatronics engineering, civil engineering, aerospace engineering, electrical/electronics engineering, chemical/petroleum engineering, history, political science, english literature and law.
After you have uploaded your work, our team of academic researchers, professional writers, study abroad consultants, cv writing experts or tutors will evaluate your requirements and get back to you with an estimated cost as well as how long it will take to complete it.
You will need to make at least a deposit of 50% before we start working on your order except for orders that are more than 20 days which might require a lesser payment.
The academic researchers, professional writers, study abroad consultants, cv writing experts or tutors assigned to you will give you an update whenever you ask for it before the deadline or at a previously agreed time.
Once the work is ready, our team will contact you to make a final deposit before sending you the work. We can also send half of the completed work if you request to see it before proceeding to make the other payment
If you have feedback about part of the work that needs correction or does not meet the requirement you have stated, or you want to change some information, we will be glad to do it at no cost. An exception to this will be writing entirely new additional content that was not previously agreed.
Your one-stop website for academic resources, tutoring, writing, editing, study abroad application, cv writing & proofreading needs.